Look around, search high and wide....you'll be hard pressed to find a logo as powerful, as compelling, or as resonant as the iconic Skull Skates Skull logo. You may ask yourself ( and sometimes we even ask ourselves ) how such a crude rendition of a skull could be so appealing to such a diverse crowd, especially since many Skullbearers remain clueless about the company and the product line which the Skull promotes. They like to fly the flag for it's own sake because they dig it and we ain't complaining. In fact, we are so happy with Skull Skate's success, we would like to take this opportunity to reveal the secret of it's power. Call us telltale magicians if you will, we rest assured the Skull's potency is in no way diminished by these revelations.

In a quick glance, the Skull Skates "Skull" is a contemporary Jolly Roger; mysterious, menacing, ethereal. Suspended by invisible wires, hanging on an ocean horizon, a mirage like apparition in shimmering heat waves. In a nanosecond glance it is the moon. Yes it is. Take a nanosecond glance and see what you see. It's one of those big full orange ones, that pop up out of nowhere just to blow your mind. Take another glance and you see a skull mounted like a trophy; an impressive portfolio to any headhunter from Borneo.

Now look close and look long. What do you see? No simple skull, but a complex assemblage of puzzle piece images, an ingenious configuration of discordant elements, all melded perfectly in a harmonious whole. The white outline or "halo" is slightly asymmetrical. On the subconscious level, this asymmetry confounds the optical perception / cognition apparatus. Skulls presupposed to be symmetrical. Real skulls are symmetrical and graphic representations of skulls have always been symmetrical; from the labels of poison bottles, to Grateful Dead t-shirts, to the paintings of Heironymous Bosch. But this skull is asymmetrical. Could there be some deep meaning here, or perhaps some deeper truth?

On close examination the white portion of the Skull is contained within the black portion. The black portion outlines a very bland unextraordinary head, a clear symbol of the superficial, civilized, socialized persona which we all must maintain so that we may assume our respective roles in today's complex society. The white portion, which represents the inner psyche, is the dominant portion of the skull, occupying roughly two thirds of the skull mass (though, it is interesting to note, the black portion forms the entire base). The white portion conveys a sense of mystery and strength. The pronounced curve of the right eye leaves a mildly sinister impression. The white and black portions interact in a fascinating dynamic. The white portion, the inner psyche, the unique individual, the creative self, the spirit, is busting loose. Barely contained, but firmly grounded by the "civilized", "socialized" black portion.

Hence the logo's far reaching appeal. It exalts the raw spirit in all it's mystery and eternal luminosity. Steadfast and undaunted, the Skull defies the constraining mandates of socialization.

Taken piecemeal, isolated portions of the skull are subject to interpretation; however, some segments are opaque in their symbology. The Skull is obviously smoking something; a cigarette, a cannabi, whatever, take your pick. The left nostril is probably a nose in profile; a nose on a head which has been sliced open at the top. The right nostril is the head of an
erect penis (note the 45 degree angle) which seems to be pointing past the sharp corner of the left eye to a gently curved something in the upper left corner which looks like a woman's breast. Follow this curve down and the Skull's ear forms a buttock. The black portion of the skull can also be seen as the profile of a head. The base forms the jaw, the corner of the left eye forms the tip of the nose, the curved area at the top is the brow, and the Skull's ear forms the ear. Turn the Skull upside down and observe the white portion. What we have here is a bird looking backwards with its beak touching its back. Turn the Skull on its side so the black portion is down and the SKATES lettering is to the right, and you will see an elephant (or is it a panda bear?) , with the Skull's right eye forming it's ear, and the Skull's right nostril forming its eye. Tip the Skull in the opposite direction, so the SKATES lettering is on the left and the white section is down. From this position, the black portion is a map, a rough approximation of Canada and the west coast of the United States-Skull-Skates' primary markets. Turn the Skull right side up again and observe the lower extreme of the white area, around the mouth. We see the faint hint of fangs... understated, but undeniably ghoulish. The sharp angle formed at the left eye is disconcerting in its relation to the smooth flowing shapes around it, but it serves to integrate the sharp lines of the lettering, which is, as you might have guessed, heavily laced with subliminals.