Mr. Satoshi Ono officially launched the PD's Hot Shop/
Skull Skates
Japan outlet,
located in Toki-City, Gifu
in the Spring of nineteen
ninety four.
Toki-City is a tiny
town situated in the quiet country
side of Central
Japan famous for it's green tea
[Macha] and it's
traditional Japanese
ceramics. Although
a more relaxed
pace than the nearby
Nagoya and the
world famous
Toki-City is home to
of Satoshi's skate-
board, punk
rock, Skull Skates
lifestyle. Skull
Skates Japan
is also fueled by
stoked people all
over the
country via it's web
based mail order
Lisafer gets damaged
at the Japan downhill session.
Payday photo.